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Welcome to The Ben Rothstein Quotes Page!

A quick reminder as to how this page has come to be...
Sam Rothstein created a Veida motion at Veida 5783 (July 2023) which has resulted in BAUK being constitutionally bound to create this page.
All quotes must however be approved prior to their public release. So keep your eyes peeled for all of Ben's approved quotes
People Who Wish They Were Ben
Ben's Birthday Money

This is ludicrous

Ben Rothstein | September 2023Said in relation to the Ben Rothstein Quotes page being published

Ben Rothstein

Chinuch Worker 5783

ok I'll accept this part of the zohar because it’s a good point

Ben Rothstein | August 2023It’s a warm midsummer sfternoon in temple fortune. A lull has fallen across the bayit office as we set about writing cringey welcome letters and shoehorning shtik into our yomi (that it turns out abi laderman will just remove anyway cos she’s not on the intellectual level to understand it). From nowhere, Ben lifts his head from his laptop and goes…

Anonymous: I had a breakdown today already on the way here
Ben: physical or mechanical?

Ben Rothstein | December 2020In a Meeting

They just aren't as progressive as we are ... realising that there is no such thing as 'man' and 'woman'

Ben Rothstein | March 2023

You can't opt out of sex toys

Ben Rothstein | August 2022Ben was lamenting about the fact that he couldn't unsubscribe from a consistent email about sex toys

We don't have time for it now I want to do my demon summoning

Ben Rothstein | August 2022Aleph Chalutzi Machane

How do the 12 year olds have relationships, they don’t even have minds! They’re not real people!!’

Ben Rothstein | August 2022Aleph Chalutzi Machane

Beat them until they fall asleep

Ben Rothstein | August 2022Aleph Chalutzi Machane, about how to ensure chanichim go to bed

The other place I interview chanichim is the pantry

Ben Rothstein | August 2023Bet Base Machane on discipline methodology

The first thing I think when I think of inequality is a Dalek confronted with a set of stairs

Ben Rothstein | August 2022Aleph Chalutzi Machane

A group shower? What, like Aushwitz??

Ben Rothstein | Bet Base Machane 2023when male mads on Bet Base Machane 5783 were having a shower (in separate cubicles) together.